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Today, after many months of planning and development, we’ve launched our brand new website!

Most importantly, we’ve brought our entire jewellery collection online to make it easier for you to browse the beautiful things in our Hatton Garden window, from wherever you are in the world.

We’re constantly acquiring modern, designer, antique, and vintage pieces, and we’ll be adding these treasures to our Jewellery Shop every week. Don’t forget to pop back to our website every now and again to see what’s new!

We hope you love our new website as much as we do. We’d love for you to contact us and let us know what you think – we welcome all comments and feedback.

If you’re in London, we invite you to stop by Hatton Garden to see the beautiful pieces in our window, and maybe even try a few on! We’d love to see you in our shop.


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Find the right piece

Jewellery says something about the person who wears it, and at Farringdons, we can help you find the right piece for the right person.

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